Browse Items (912 total)
Johnsonville Gin Company, 1962
The Johnsonville Gin Company was located by the railroad track in Johnsonville near the corner of Pine Street and Railroad Ave. At the time this photo was taken in 1962, it was run by Ezra Eaddy and his son James (Bozy) Eaddy, farmers from Leo Community. This lot is now a wooded spot, but passers by can still see the old cotton bail press still standing in the trees. -
Johnsonville Gym, School, and Auditorum, 1950
Auditorium is to the far right behind school, Gymnasium to the far left. -
Johnsonville Has New Church Group - 1956
Westside Free Will Baptist Church -
Johnsonville High School Board of Trustees 1939
V.O. Eaddy, W.H. Meng, D.B. Haselden -
Johnsonville High School Aerial View, Circa 1972
Johnsonville High School, old campus from the air. -
Johnsonville High School Agriculture Building, 1934
Completed in 1934 for agricultural classes, this building later served as a cafeteria, canteen, and classrooms. -
Johnsonville High School at night, 1968
The old high school building is now the Florence County Schools District 5 offices. -
Johnsonville High School Baseball 1950
Images show: Delance Poston and John H Jones; Batboys Briley Taylor (6th grade) and Robert RJ Venters (4th grade); Wilson Cain (2nd Base) and Lenair Altman (catcher); Harry Gaskins (outfield) and John Louis Gaster (shortstop). -
Johnsonville High School Boy's Basketball Squad 1939
Hubert Haselden (Captain), Livingston Bishop, forwards; Robert Creel, Freeman Rchardson, guards; Carroll Taylor, center; Victor Johnson, J. W. O'Quinn, Ken Haselden, Cleland Tanner, substitutes. -
Johnsonville High School Bus Drivers 1949
Johnsonville school busdrivers, L to R: Humphries - Prospect, Lyerly - Vox, Gaskins - Johnsonville, Turner - Johnsonville, Richardson - Trinity -
Johnsonville High School Bus Drivers, 1971
From the Gold and Black Yearbook, 1971 -
Johnsonville High School cheerleaders late 1970s
Pictured: Mona Lawrimore McDaniel, Staci Crocker Lyerly, Lyn McDaniel Bachelor, Sheila Davis Weaver, Gail Bachelor Weaver, Bonnie Prosser, Paula Ammons Alford, Renee Willis Sanders, and Audrey McDaniel -
Johnsonville High School Class of 1931 Enjoys Reunion, 11-24-77
Johnsonville High School Class of 1931 Enjoys Reunion, The Weekly Observer 11-24-77 -
Johnsonville High School Class of 1953
Members of the Johnsonville High School senior class after receiving their diplomas at commencement, 1953.
The news article lists all of those in the picture, and a full real photograph is included for additional clarity.
First Row, L to R: Mary Hanna, Dorothy Lee Nettles, Eunice Mae Tanner, Lucille Thompson, Vera Thompson, Blanchie Lee Haselden, Clydia Nettles, Letha Mae, Parnell, Winifred Hanna, Wera Nell Miles, Betty Jane Tune, Merry Carol Huggins.
Second Row, L to R: Isabel Poston, Betty Powell, Yvonner Leta Hanna, Alice Faye Lee, Wilma Crosby, Shirley Perry, Henry Rhames Jr., Jackie Jones, Mrs. Mildred B. Hughes, Rebecca Altman, Doris Stone, Sally Jo Stalvey.
Third Row, L to R: J. W. Coker, Joseph Baxley, Bobbie Jean Altman, Leroy Hucks, Darby Evans, Don Melton, Horace Browder, J. W. Avant, Boyd Prosser, Donetta Matthews, Jimmy Bennett, Everett Crosby, Jay Gold Altman.
Jeanette Walters also graduated but is not pictured.
Also included is a photograph of Johnsonville honor graduates Betty Juanita Powell, Valedictorian, and Betty Jane Tune, Salutatorian.
Class of 1953. -
Johnsonville High School Class of 1953 Senior Trip to Washington, DC
JHS Class of 1953 senior trip to Washington, DC.
In the 1950 Gold and Black the Class of '53 was listed as:
J.W. Avant, J.W. Coker, Boyd Prosser, Faye Thompson, J. Gold Altman, Don Melton, James Edward Eaddy, Yvonner Leta Hanna, Wilmer Crosby, Lucille Thompson, Vera Thompson, Letha Mae Parnell, Eunice Mae Tanner, Jackie Jones, Blanche Lee Haselden, Barbara Ann Dennis, Dorothy Lee Nettles, Johnnie Mae Ard, Shirley Perry, Doris Stone, Louise Thompson, Francis Filyaw, Jeanette Walters, Randolph Hanna, Winnifred Hanna, Miriam Lily, Evert Crosby, John Huggins, Horace Browder, Le Ray Hucks, Morris Calcutt, Kenneth Lanning, Isabel Poston, James Altman, Clarence Hucks, Pate Prosser, Louis Rogers, Jimmy Bennett, Andy Poston, Nedo Eaddy, Bruster Powell, Jerry Poston, Joseph Baxley, Mary Hanna, Wera Nell Prosser, Eva Dean McDaniel, Betty Powell, Jean Turner, Merry Caroy Huggins, Betty Jane Tune, Sally Jo Stalvey, Clydia Jo Nettles, Rebecca Altman, W. L. Mace, Aquilla Strickland, Bobbie Jane Altman, Donnetta Matthews, Helena Venters, Thera Mae Dennis, Thomas Powell, Dan Gaster, Mack Lambert, John Altman -
Johnsonville High School Classmates Reunion, 1977
Johnsonville High School Classmates Reunion - The Weekly Observer, January 20, 1977. -
Johnsonville High School Faculty 1949
Superintendent H. M. Floyd, Principal H. W. Brown
(1st row L to R): Mrs. T. P. Harrelson, Mrs. H. M. Floyd, Mrs. R. L. Carter, Mrs. T. L. Lane, Mrs. J. Chapman, Mrs. S. O. Lyerly, Mrs. H. O. Richardson.
(2nd row L to R): Mr. H. M. Floyd, Mr. T. L. Lane, Miss Claire Creel, Miss Virgiline Eaddy, Mrs. B. F. Richardson, Miss Hattie Durant, Mrs. E. S. Stoddard, Mrs. W. Eaddy, Mr. H. W. Brown, Mrs. Wallace Altman, Mr. E. O. Eaddy, Mr. Dick Martin -
Johnsonville High School Girl's Basketball Squad 1939
Rosa Nelle Altman (Captain), Dorothy O'Quinn. Centers: Hallie Avant, Wilma Ruth Haselden. Guards: Minnie Weaver, Mab Woodberry. Forwards: Geneva Venters, Virginia Miller, Mary Lee Keefe, substitutes. Eunice Quinn, Coach. -
Johnsonville High School in the snow, 1968
The old high school building is now the Florence County Schools District 5 offices. -
Johnsonville High School Junior Class, 1949
Maisie Poston Ballou is standing to the left. This photo is taken in front of the old Johnsonville High School, now the District Office for District 5. -
Johnsonville High School May Day Court 1939
May Day Court, 1939
Queen: Harriett Raley; King: Carroll Taylor
Maid of Honor: Della Dean Meng
Maids: Sarah Altman, Mab Woodberry, Geneva Venters, Sue Rawlings, Aline Bolyne, Mary Lee Keefe, Dorothy O'quinn, Frederica Richardson
Courtiers: Hubert Haselden, J. L. Hyder, Francis Altman, Mayo Altman, Mayford Altman, Jack Taylor, Hinson Perry, Bernard Hearn -
Johnsonville High School Moves Into New Building, 10-14-1974
Article from the Weekly Observer about Johnsonville moving to the new high school building for the 1974-75 school year. -
Johnsonville High School Sophomore Girls 1939
Sophomore girls of Johnsonville High School -
Johnsonville High School, 1938
This photo from the 1939 Gold and Black yearbook shows the high school building before the wings were added in 1940. -
Johnsonville is Hustling Little Town - 1952
Includes photos of Seaboard Air Train Depot, town officials, and J.H. Owens, freight and express operator. -
Johnsonville Legion Ceremony
Johnsonville Legion Ceremony - When the new American Legion post home was dedicated Thursday night, Post Commander, Joe T. Huggins (second from left) as host of the occasion was surrounded by high officials of the Legion in the state. Seated, left to right are Jess Bullard, of Columbia, state asjutant, Commander Huggins, Mrs. Huggins; O. B. Freeman, of Loris, department vice-commander, and W. J. McLeod, of Walterboro, state commander. The picture at the bottom, taken just before the ceremony and banquet at 8 p.m., shows the new hut, constructed almost entirely by members of the post. In addition to post member and Legion officers of the state and various districts, Governor and Mrs. Thurmond and Florence County officials attended the ceremony. (Photos by Walter S. McDonald) Source: Florence Morning News