The Statutes at Large of South Carolina: Acts relating to roads, bridges and ferries, with an appendix, containing the militia acts prior to 1794 - By South Carolina, Thomas Cooper, David James McCord
The Log Cabin, AKA the canteen or the cannery from Johnsonville High School. Constructed in 1934 by Charlie Prosser, C.O. Powell, Pete Hanna, Delmus Abrams.
Maisie Poston Ballou is standing to the left. This photo is taken in front of the old Johnsonville High School, now the District Office for District 5.
This painting/mural - "Johnsonville South Carolina 1911" by John Carroll Doyle - was unveiled at Anderson State Bank in 1981 at the opening of the Hemingway branch. Doyle was a prominent Charleston artist who passed away in 2014. The work depicts Johnsonville founder Sylvester Briley Poston as lots were laid out and sold at the Johnsonville Land Sale in 1912.
Article describes the old theater owned by Chevis Prosser. This was the original location that burned, approximately where Jake's BBQ is now located on Broadway. Story of the aftermath of the fire that destroyed the Prosser Theater on Broadway in 1937, causing casualties next door.
Describes bonds for the building of the new Johnsonville School District 15 in Williamsburg County and elections held at Johnsonville Hardware Company.